
Thursday 7 April 2011

Time Management

I've recently felt really distracted from the creative side of my FMP with everything else going on around me. The Young Curators project has started to take over a lot more time than I anticipated, with an average of 2-3 meetings a week, emails and phone calls going on in the background and then I'm also aware of the introduction of Friday mornings as dedicated YC meet up from the 22nd April. This is a project I can't avoid or cut down on, as I have a massive responsibility as one of the coordinators. I also have my part time job which I'm getting about 2 shifts a week for now, again I can't cut down on this as I need extra income to be able to fund myself through to my graduation.
This has lead me to reconsider my volunteering with People in Action, where I've been helping out on Thursday evenings at Potternewton Gateway. It's only a small part of my week, but I felt like this unfortunately is the easiest thing to drop. I called up the office to speak to my contact there in person to explain my situation - and also that I'll be around Leeds for part of the Summer and I'm living here for another year, which leaves plenty of time for me to help out then. The team there were really understanding and appreciated my help so far, and were keen to keep in touch for the future.
Another area I'm conscious of is the Artsmix seminars, running for the Pop-up Shop in May. I was unable to go to the latest meeting due to a clash with Young Curators, but I'm determined to keep up to date with the seminars as they're invaluable to me for the future in regards to pricing, selling and marketing my work.

This rethink in general has made me more determined to use my available time as well as I possibly can. I've been working long hours, but making sure I get my sleep in! It's difficult to get carried away with sketching and designs or researching and reading, so I'm trying to be as constructive as possible and make plenty of lists to work through each day.

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